Conscious Sedation
What is Conscious Sedation?
Conscious Sedation is a behavior management technique used to help guide a child's behavior during dental treatment. Unlike general anesthesia, sedation is not intended to make a patient unconscious or unresponsive. Oral sedation medications generally relax a child making them more comfortable.
The medications used in our office are safe for pediatric patients. Medications are administered by the doctor after a pre-op physical examination that checks tonsil size, heart and breath sounds, and vital signs. A health questionnaire and pre-op exam are used to determine the appropriate sedation medication. The dosages administered are based on the patient's age and ideal body weight. Ideal Height and Weight Charts published by the CDC are used as a guide. Medications are administered within the safest limits of the child's weight and age.
Medications used in our office include:
Diazepam (commonly known as Valium)
helps reduce anxiety
Hydroxyzine (commonly know as Vistaril or Atarax)
slows the central nervous system to reduce anxiety and tension
Midazolam (commonly known as Versed)
reduces anxiety and may prevent memory of the dental visit
Sedation is used to provide safety and comfort to a child during dental procedures. The medications may help a child to cope with the anxiety of dental treatment. Sedation promotes a safer environment for the child as he or she becomes more comfortable in the dental chair, opening their mouth, and accepting dental treatment. Conscious sedation allows the dentist to provide safe and timely care.
Why is Sedation Used?
At the child's initial visit to our office, Dr. Kerri will determine if sedation is an appropriate option. If sedation is recommended, pre-sedation and post-sedation instructions will be reviewed with the parent/guardian. Prior to the sedation appointment, detailed written instructions will be provided to the parent/guardian to follow at home.
The parent/guardian will be asked to wait in the reception area during treatment. This separation of parent from child allows the child to be monitored and treated in the safest manner without distraction and interruption. Every child will be handled with the utmost safety and highest standard of care during their dental treatment.
Children recover from the effects of sedatives at different rates.
Once home, the child must be monitored by a parent/guardian until fully recovered. Children may be drowsy, upset, or emotional after treatment. This is a normal reaction to medication that may make them dizzy and unable to walk unassisted for a few hours at home. This can be very frustrating for some children.
It is extremely important that a parent/guardian remain with and monitor their child for the remainder of the day following the sedation appointment.
Detailed written instructions will be provided to the parent/guardian when the child is discharged from the office.